Image: Two Found Objects of Charles Boultenhouse (1996) by Stan Brakhage
Submit Your Film
Thank you for your interest in submitting to CFMDC.
Our submissions are now closed - please come back in April when our submissions open up again!
Please note our submission process is under review. We will be moving towards a model where submissions are reviewed three times a year by a committee that includes staff and board members. We will also be reassessing the amount of work we distribute.
Submission Periods
December - February (submissions) / March (review month)
April - June (submissions) / July (review month)
August - October (submissions) / November (review month)
Stay tuned for a more detailed outline of this process in the coming months.
Please read through the information on our Members and Distribution page, and look through our catalogue to gain a broader understanding of the kinds of works CFMDC represents. If we distribute your work, these are the materials we require.