Image: Two Found Objects of Charles Boultenhouse (1996) by Stan Brakhage
Become A Member​
CFMDC has two categories of membership:
Member in Distribution
Eligibility: Individuals with film(s) in distribution with CFMDC.
Term: Indeterminate, must comply with Organization policies to retain statusand work is in circulation.
Learn more about distribution here
Associate Member
Eligibility: Individuals or organizations, no requirement for film(s) in distribution.
Term: Must comply with Organization policies to retain status.
Member in Distribution
Membership fee: $85.00. Once in a lifetime. Includes your initial deposit of 1-3 films.
Voting Rights: One vote at the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
20% discount on tech services
Deposited work listed and searchable in our website catalogue alongside contemporary and historical work (and film print in our physical collection for analogue work).
You will receive 70% of all royalties pertaining to your work
Venue rental (coming 2025)
Submit a film & become a member
Associate Members
Membership fee: $85.00 annually
Voting Rights: None but can attend AGM
20% discount on tech services
Venue rental (coming 2025)
Link to application form: coming soon!
Membership fee: $185.00 annually
Voting Rights: None but can attend AGM
20% discount on tech services
Venue rental (coming 2025)
Link to application form: coming soon!